samedi, août 10, 2019

Ram pump capitalism

Ram pumps are simple, ingenious, low-technology pumping devices invented by the same inventor as the first successful flying balloon, Joseph Michel Montgolfier. Where abundant water quantities are readily available, ram pumps can lift small fractions of it to much higher altitudes above the original source of this water, requiring no external power sources and practically no mechanical parts! The trick is that they utilise the kinetic energy of the gravitational flow of this water through the pump to lift a tiny portion of it to spectacular heights. Expectedly, the higher we want to lift the water, the less quantity we achieve. Click on the sketch and examine the calculation table No.1 in the linked article! You'll realize that a supply of 1 litre per minute (that is 1440 litres daily) may lift to a height 40-fold of the Working Fall a little less than 1% of it.

Capitalism works largely like a ram pump. It acts as a work management mechanism, where everyone's work (like the kinetic energy of the raw water) is manipulated in order to lift a small portion of the population to colossal income ratings, while the rest ends up at a lower-than-deserved income.

You can imagine the capitalist system further elaborated as a series of ram pumps. At each stage, you exploit a bit the exploiters of the previous stage (as it is done in reality), and you will end up with a super-tiny fraction of the original quantity at a dazzling height above the original attitude. The resulting percentages may prove to be in the order of those encountered in our hydraulic analogy.

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